Changes in the 2013 California Building Code and the IDEX exam.


The IDEX® California exam was first developed by CCIDC  in 2008, based on the 2007 California Building Code (Title 24) which became effective January 1, 2008.

California Building Codes are updated every three years and become effective on January 1st of the following year.

When the 2010 CBC was published (effective Jan. 1, 2011),  it was determined by CCIDC there were no significant changes that impacted Certified Interior Designers, so there were no changes made to the IDEX®  exam.

The 2013 CBC became effective Jan. 1, 2014, and the IDEX® exam is, as of this writing, being reviewed by CCIDC for code changes that may impact Certified Interior Designers.  The exam will be updated (if needed) and go through a revalidation process.

As of today, August 29, 2014, we do not know whether the October 2014 IDEX® exam will be changed. However, our prep class is currently being updated with 2013 code handouts, links and other relevant information.

The 2013 triennial edition of the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (California Building Standards Code) applies to all occupancies that applied for a building permit on or after January 1, 2014, and remains in effect until the effective date of the 2016 triennial edition.

About Deni Mosser, CID #0022/NCIDQ#5865

See "Meet the Instructor" page
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